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Barry Allen Aldhizer

Barry Allen Aldhizer

Website Founder Phone : 7147984787 Fax :

Website Founder

Personal Biography

Barry Aldhizer was born and raised in Santa Ana, California in 1967.  It is here in Southern California where with a diverse population,  I have learned to cook dishes from many nationalities.  I learned the fine arts of cooking Mexican dishes from scratch, roasting my own Chile’s and have been exposed to the following Cuisines from around the world  Italian, Filipino,  Chinese, Korean, Hawaiian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Lebanese, Turkish, Greek  Middle Eastern, Indian, as well. I enjoy learning about food and it’s origins as well.  One of my favorite dishes is Al Pastor which is a Mexican ,Dish but it is known to have originated in the Middle East and brought to Mexico from the Lebanese.

I enjoy Photography and Technology and am very knowledgeable in a variety of Computer operating systems and languages.


  • Gaming
  • Cooking
  • Photography
  • Engineering
  • Network Administration
  • Tech Implementation

Culinary Genius Skills

Chef Skills
Oven-Bake and Broil
Some Baking Skills